1. independent: a book that you can read on your own. You do not need the help of anyone else to figure out the words or to understand the meaning.
2. instructional: a book that might be a little more difficult. You would need the help of a parent or teacher to figure out some words or to understand what you are reading.
3. frustration: a book that is too hard. Even with some help, you either can't figure out a lot of the words, or you can't understand what you are reading. But, you can still enjoy a book at this level. Find someone to read it to you!
You can use a three finger rule to figure out if a book is just right. Pick a page of the book and begin reading. Hold up a finger for each word you don't know. If you are holding up more than three fingers this book is probably too hard to read on your own.
To find a Good Fit Book (a book that is just right for you) to read on your own, use the I-PICK strategy.
I - I look for a book that I want to read and I skim through it.
P - Purpose: I think about why I want to read. Am I reading for fun or to learn something?
I - Interest: Does the topic of this book interest me?
C - Comprehension: Can I understand what I read?
K - Know the words: Do I know most of the words on a page?