Written by Jerry Spinelli
Review #1:

The main character, Palmer, finds a pigeon and where he lives people kill pigeons. He tries to keep it safe in his house from his friends and town people. Where Palmer lives, there is a holiday where people shoot pigeons and he is nervous for his pet.
I gave this book five stars because it was interesting because you didn't know what was going to happen in thenext chapter. I wondered if people in Palmer's town would stop killing pigeons or not.
Reviewed by Kyle M., 5th Grader
Review #2:
A boy named Palmer is a regular boy. A pigeon becomes his pet and has to leave because people in Palmer's town think he has one. There is a day when people in the town shoot pigeons and Palmer worries about his friends wanting to kill his pet.
I gave this book three stars because it is a good book but it wasn't very awesome in general.
Reviewed by Khadjiah N., 5th Grader